The care of people with HIV infection is exceedingly complicated. I really know of no greater challenge in infectious diseases, indeed in all of medicine. Hardly any field of medicine has ever undergone a similar stormy development to that of the therapy of HIV infection. Indeed, there is a field that is subjected to so a lot of trends. What today seems to be finally statute, is tomorrow often already surpassed.
The up-grading of management and the advent of HAART has significantly extended the life expectance of people with HIV infection. HAART has proven to be really successful in reducing plasma HIV-RNA to undetectable levels, mortality rates have dropped dramatically, and formerly bedridden AIDS patients have been able to go back to their work. Inpatients admissions have decreased markedly and many of the opportunistic infections have essentially disappeared.
On the other hand, the extended course of viral infection and the prolonged use of HAART have showed some degenerative aspects of HIV-related disease regarding different cell lineages.
Increase of mean life allowed the occurrence of long-term complications of HAART as metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, lipodystrophies, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemias and bone diseases.
Nobody knows what this really does it means in terms of long term prospective. What today seems to be negligible, tomorrow become necessarily not to be ignored. We need to know more clinically relevant informations on these future potential problems in the management of HIV-infected persons in HAART; so we need a new format for these new issues.
HAART and correlated pathologies takes this issue from a practical point of view for the practicing physician, to explore all the HAART-areas in which we all still really need more and more information.
Marco Borderi from year to year showed a talent and a true passion for this field of research, and it’s really a pleasure for me to be beside him in this new challenge.
We, the ongoing scientific board and the authors skillfully desire to share with the reader our wealth of experience, and this new review is essentially for exchange and investigate all our point of view, to better understand day after day what’s silently happening in our patients.
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HAART and correlated pathologies n. 25
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